First off, a confession. I'd already visited Miyajima the night before. I know, I'm a terrible person. But it was only a very brief visit, to see one thing: the famous torii gate of the Itsukushima Shrine. To the average man on the street, Miyajima rarely rings a bell, but show them a picture of this torii gate and they instantly know it: along with Mt. Fuji, the sight of this torii 'floating' in the water is one of the most famous sights of Japan, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As torii gates usually mark the entrance to a shrine, it's location in the water marks the whole island as holy to the Shinto belief.

But, Miyajima Island was well worth a day of it's own, because there was so much more to see otherwise. There is Itsukushima Shrine itself, standing at the head of the bay. In low tide, it is nothing more than a spacious, fine but otherwise identikit Shinto shrine. But when the tide comes in, it transforms, the water washing under the raised platforms absolutely filling in it's namesake as the 'floating shrine'. It was an interesting, potent mix of spirituality and nature: visitors prayed at the honden while below crabs drilled into the sand.

Now, as I left the temple, I paused at the sight of a certain sign. I'd promised myself that today, the last day of my epic journey, would be an easy-going day, after the fast-and-furious itinerary of the last week had destroyed my feet. But when I saw a sign saying 'To Misen-san', the highest point on the island, I couldn't help myself. I had to climb it.

But it was well worth it. The rusty old observation deck gave great views all around, to Hiroshima and the surround Inland Sea. The sea here is famously calm and still, and on this cloudless day I got great views of islands big and small rising from the sea, reflected perfectly back in the water.

Finally, the sun set, the lanterns were lit, and the floodlights bathed the torii gate. The sun set behind the mountains of the mainland, flushing the sky pink. I had the view I'd been waiting for, and it was everything I could have hoped it would be.
Time to head back and catch and early night. I had a very early start the next morning, on trains from 5am and not leaving them until 12midnight - about as long as you can possibly be on trains for a single day.
My conclusion to my whole trip? Well, I would have thought that I'd learned my lesson by now that when I visit a place, the hope of ticking it off and being done with it is never the case. With the possible exception of Okayama, there isn't a single place I'd been to that I wouldn't consider visiting again.
But for now, it was time to look forward. I had a few days rest before the Big One: Korea...